Saturday, 9 April 2016

Do the sons recognize the Father, and acknowledge Him, or do they deny Him

Now, I am asking you to renew your faith in Christ Jesus, by recognizing Him Who is the return of that same Jesus. I am bringing you His message that “the Father hath come” and I bring you as well His appeal to Christians: “Tell Me then: Do the sons recognize the Father, and acknowledge Him, or do they deny Him, even as the people aforetime denied Him (Jesus)?

Baha’u’llah: Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, Page: 97

O Queen in London! Incline thine ear unto the voice of thy Lord

O Queen in London! Incline thine ear unto the voice of thy Lord, the Lord of all mankind, calling from the Divine Lote-Tree Verily, no God is there but Me, the Almighty, the All-Wise! Cast away all that is on earth, and attire the head of thy kingdom with the crown of the remembrance of Thy Lord, the All-Glorious. He, in truth, hath come unto the world in His most great glory, and all that hath been mentioned in the Gospel hath been fulfilled.

The land of Syria hath been honored by the footsteps of its Lord, [that is, Baha’u’llah] the Lord of all men, and North and South are both inebriated with the wine of His presence. Blessed is the man that hath inhaled the fragrance of the Most Merciful, and turned unto the Dawning-Place of His beauty, in this resplendent Dawn.

Baha’u’llah Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Pages 59-60

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Lo! The Father is come, and that which ye were promised in the Kingdom is fulfilled!

Baha’u’llah - Tablets of Baha’u’llah, Page: 11

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

If enmity and hatred exist within it (Family) destruction and dispersion are inevitable

If love and agreement are manifest in a single family, that family will advance, become illumined and spiritual; but if enmity and hatred exist within it destruction and dispersion are inevitable.

'Abdu'l-Bahá in Foundations of World Unity